Applications open for Climate Commissioners

Thu, 02/27/2025 - 14:03

Following several changes in roles and governance, the Commission is being refreshed and refocused, to enable the delivery of constructive, proactive and inclusive climate action governance in Lincoln.

We will be reopening nominations for Climate Commissioners and asking existing Commissioners who wish to continue with their role to reapply. This is to encourage fair representation and active contribution.

Case Study: University of Lincoln, iBiodiversity App

Thu, 02/08/2024 - 15:15

The University of Lincoln was awarded £24,997 from the UPP Foundation funding in order to develop a web app, using AI technology and online apps to understand and enhance ecosystem services and habitat connectivity across Lincolnshire.

Project Scope

Lincolnshire volunteer group fundraises to save Lincolnshire Wolds from oil drilling

Sat, 01/27/2024 - 12:00

Local campaign group, SOS Biscathorpe, is hoping to stop new oil drilling going ahead in the heart of Lincolnshire, at Biscathorpe.

Lincoln is getting ready to paint our communities Green in June

Tue, 06/06/2023 - 13:27

#ClimateHopeLincoln is helping our passionate local changemakers and committed organisations unite in climate action. Residents and organisations in Lincoln are taking part in a nationwide campaign next week to highlight climate action in Lincoln, ‘Lincoln 2030’ our ambitious target for Lincoln to be net zero carbon by 2030 and #Climate Hope Lincoln.

Spring 2023: Lincoln Climate Commission Newsletter

Thu, 04/06/2023 - 13:57

The Spring edition of our Lincoln Climate Commission newsletter is now live, read it below for an update on what we've been up to in the Commission and some positive climate action news:


Greater Lincolnshire wins good food award 

Thu, 07/28/2022 - 14:17

Greater Lincolnshire has become the latest place to win a prestigious Sustainable Food Places award. The award recognises Greater Lincolnshire Food Partnership’s work to promote healthy, sustainable and local food and to tackle some of today’s greatest social challenges, from food poverty and diet-related ill-health to the disappearance of family farms and the loss of independent food retailers. 

Food Partners across the whole of Greater Lincolnshire are working towards fairer, greener, healthier food for all, in a myriad of different ways. 

Agri-food industry gets help to work towards net-zero carbon

Tue, 07/12/2022 - 11:38

Experts from the University of Lincoln, UK, are part of a network set to help the country’s agri-food industry move one step closer to net zero.

With funding of £5 million, the network will bring UK researchers together to explore effective ways to support the industry to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and improve its environmental sustainability.

It will also help the UK’s agri-food industry enhance biodiversity, maintain healthy ecosystems, nurture livelihoods, support healthy consumer habits, and minimise the environmental impacts of overseas trade.

The Coat of Hopes comes to Lincoln!

Fri, 06/10/2022 - 21:28

The coat of hopes is a beautiful piece of shared art. It was carried from the south coast of England to Glasgow on the shoulders of pilgrims, arriving at the start of COP26 in 2021.

We are excited that it is coming to Lincoln on September 16th for two weeks, hosted by Faith and the Environment Lincolnshire.

Artist and instigator Barbara Keal describes the coat as follows:

Issue #4: Lincoln Climate Commission Newsletter

Fri, 06/10/2022 - 19:08

Read issue 4 of the Lincoln Climate Commission newsletter now, featuring:

  • Update on the Climate Action Plan 2030
  • Carbon Management at the University of Lincoln
  • 30 Days Wild + Loving Your Landscape event
  • The Lincolnshire Rivers Trust: Greening Up the Brayford

Read it now: