Climate Action in Lincoln Survey

Tue, 05/18/2021 - 11:07

The climate is changing rapidly with effects being seen all over the UK and across the world.  People, now, more than ever want to take action to reduce their carbon footprint, and live in ways that are less carbon-intensive, use less of our planet's precious resources, and want to support the target set by Lincoln to be a zero-carbon city by 2030. To achieve this citywide, emissions will need to reduce by 11 percent every year until 2030. Supporting residents and communities to take action is a crucial part of achieving this ambition.

Lincoln Climate Commission writes letter of objection to the Edgon Resources’ application to drill for and extract oil in Biscathorpe

Fri, 04/30/2021 - 16:04

Lincoln Climate Commission has written a letter of objection to the Edgon Resources’ application to drill for and extract oil from Biscathorpe in the Wolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Councillors have been sent the below email, along with the open letter published at the end of this article, which details why the Commission is objecting to this application.

Dear County Councillor,

New Resource: Lincoln Sustainability Toolkit

Fri, 04/23/2021 - 09:08

The Lincoln Sustainability Toolkit has been created by the Lincoln Climate Commission as a one-stop guide to all things sustainable. It includes everything from saving energy to reducing plastics at home.

Learn about local cycle routes and how to easily transition from carbon consumer to carbon saver. If you'd like to add to the toolkit, please email View the toolkit at the link below:

Lincoln Sustainability Toolkit

Lincoln Roadmap to Net Zero

Fri, 04/23/2021 - 09:05

The Lincoln Roadmap to Net Zero Carbon is a document designed by the Lincoln Climate Commission which relates local climate action targets to national and global targets.

The roadmap is available in PDF format below. If you need a word format, please contact us.

Lincoln Roadmap to Net Zero (Google Drive Link)

Lincoln Climate Commission publishes first quarterly newsletter

Thu, 03/25/2021 - 10:02

The Lincoln Climate Commission has published its first ever newsletter. You can view the newsletter at the following link:

Find out about some of what the commission and its subgroups have been working on: